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Important facts about a special needs trust

On Behalf of | Dec 20, 2023 | Estate Planning

Ensuring the well-being and financial security of a loved one with special needs is a priority for many families. Special needs trusts are powerful tools that can play a crucial role in achieving this goal. However, misinformation can cloud the understanding of these trusts.

There are several things you should understand about a special needs trust to protect your family.

Special needs trusts are not only for the wealthy

It is important to recognize that the need for financial planning extends beyond economic status. Special needs trusts offer a structured way to provide ongoing financial support without jeopardizing essential government support programs.

Government programs alone do not provide enough support

While government programs are essential components of the support system for individuals with special needs, they may not cover all aspects of their requirements. A well-crafted special needs trust can fill the gaps left by government programs, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored approach to the individual’s unique needs.

Special needs trusts are not only for adults

Another common misconception is that special needs trusts are only relevant for adults. In reality, planning for the future should start early. According to the CDC, 1 in 36 children has an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Establishing a special needs trust during the child’s early years allows families to navigate potential financial challenges and secure a stable foundation for their loved one’s future.

By embracing the reality that special needs trusts are accessible tools for diverse circumstances, families can take proactive steps toward securing the financial well-being of their loved ones with special needs. Remember, knowledge is the key to unlocking a more secure and informed future for your family.

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