Coming to the United States and obtaining a Green Card is a huge step, especially for those seeking to obtain citizenship. While it is a situation that offers many benefits for this immigrant status, one may feel as though they need something more. As such, many permanent residents seek to bring a family member to the United States. In these matters, it is possible to petition for certain family members to immigrate and obtain a permanent resident status.
Petition for family immigration
While one might desire to bring their entire extended family to the United States, this process is only available for certain family members. A person with a Green Card can petition only for their spouse, an unmarried child under the age of 21 or an unmarried son or daughter of any age to immigrate to the United States and obtain permanent residency.
Application process
In order to begin the process to acquire a Green Card for a qualifying family member, you must file Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. Second, you must provide proof of your status. This is typically done by including a copy of your Green Card, as it establishes that you are a permanent resident.
The next step is to include evidence that the family member is a qualifying relative. This may include a birth certificate, a marriage certificate and other similar documentation. Finally, if there was a name change due to marriage or divorce, this must be provided whether it was for you or the family member you are petitioning for.
Military members
It should be noted that the process may look different if you or a member of your family is in the U.S. military. In this situation, certain other conditions may apply, making it important that you fully understand your situation and what steps and documentation are required.
Immigration law can be complex, making it challenging for some to navigate matters such as family immigration cases. For those unfamiliar with the U.S. legal system, it is difficult to understand what rights and benefits one has based on their immigration status. As such, it is imperative to take the steps necessary to better understand your situation and how best to move forward.