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What is an investor visa for U.S. immigration?

On Behalf of | Apr 28, 2021 | Immigration And Naturalization

Since the United States is known as a country where business innovation and investment is its lifeblood, people from around the world will want to take part and gain legal entry to the country to be part of the business community. Given its proximity to Washington DC, Maryland is a logical destination for many prospective investors from outside the U.S. However, many might not be fully aware of the options available to them when they try to secure a visa. A strategy that could be advisable is to try and get an immigrant investor visa. Having professional assistance can smooth the process.

The basics of an immigrant investor visa

Immigrant investors are also referred to as immigrant entrepreneurs. The annual number of people who are given an immigrant investor visa is based on the fiscal year which extends from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30 of the next year. They must be coming to the U.S. to take part in a new commercial enterprise that will be viewed as a benefit to the country. This benefit will stem from creating jobs and its capital investment. These individuals are categorized as E5 (Employment Fifth Preference). They comprise slightly more than 7% of all employment-based immigrants given visas each year.

For those who have filed for the immigrant visa after Nov. 19, 2019, the person must make his or her investment and not borrow any capital to do so. The minimum amounts that must be invested are $1.8 million in general or $900,000 in a rural area that is high in unemployment and is categorized as an area in which employment is targeted. The investment must create a minimum of 10 full-time jobs for citizens of the U.S., those who are lawful permanent residents or immigrants who can legally work in the U.S. This cannot include the immediate family of the investor.

Having legal advice may help with securing a visa

Regardless of the type of visa an immigrant wants to receive, it may be vital to have legal help from the start. Because immigration can be complicated, especially in the current environment, it is wise to have a firm basis in the law. Those who want to invest in the U.S. can do so and live in the country if they get an immigrant investor visa. For help with this or any other type of visa, having legal guidance can navigate the process and could assist with a successful result.


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