President Biden recently signed three executive orders regarding immigration policies in the U.S. The following is a brief overview of these three orders, but as always, this blog does not offer legal advice. Those who want to learn how these orders affect them are encouraged to discuss their situation with an immigration law attorney.
Executive order one
One of the executive orders creates a task force that will focus on reuniting children in the U.S. who remained in the country while their parents were deported. Due to the lack of records, this is a difficult task and details on how to carry it out have not yet been determined. The task force will make recommendations and will issue a report on its progress in 120 days and every 60 days thereafter.
Executive order two
The second executive order addresses the number of those seeking asylum in the U.S. It will develop a program to replace the “Migrant Protection Protocols” — a program put in place by the Trump administration. The Biden Administration wants to restore the asylum system and help those stuck at the border. Details on how this will happen have yet to be announced.
Executive order three
The third executive order will review recent regulations, policies and guidance. The order does away with the “public charge” rule implemented by the Trump administration. This rule prevented immigrants from getting a green card if they were on public benefit, such as food stamps or housing subsidies.
Learn more about immigration law
It remains to be seen how these executive orders will be carried out. Immigrants in the U.S. may want to follow the news to better understand this topic. They also may want to explore our firm’s website on immigration law to learn more about their rights and options.